Monday, October 11, 2010

The UFOs-Nukes Connection Press Conference: Witness Affidavits and Declassified Documents

An Authorized UFO-Nukes Connection Release

     Worldwide media coverage relating to the press conference on UFOs and Nukes, held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. on September 27, 2010, has been absolutely amazing. Sponsored by former U.S. Air Force Captain Robert Salas and myself, the event showcased stunning UFO incidents at nuclear weapons sites, as revealed by former USAF personnel who were directly or indirectly involved in them.

Later in this article, I have inserted the witnesses’ affidavits, in which they describe their personal encounters in detail. Also included is the small cross-section that Mr. Salas and I distributed to the reporters present for the event.
By Robert Hastings

The primary purpose of the press conference was to attract mainstream media attention to the issue of ongoing U.S. government secrecy relating to UFOs in general, and nukes-related UFO activity in particular. Simply put, Mr. Salas and I—as well as the other six participants—believe that the time has come for the truth to be revealed to not only the American people but all mankind.

Since the end of World War II, in 1945, the ominous specter of nuclear Armageddon has haunted our planet, to one degree or another. While the potentially catastrophic brinksmanship practiced by both the U.S. and former Soviet Union during the Cold War era has receded, at least for the moment, thousands of nukes still exist and, therefore, remain an ongoing threat to the future of the human race.

If one examines even a small cross-section of the UFO cases involving nuclear missile sites and weapons storage depots, it quickly becomes apparent that dramatic incidents have taken place, largely out of public view, which have not only national security implications but planetary consequences. Someone, piloting vastly superior aerial craft, has been monitoring and sometimes tampering with the weapons—on both sides of the ocean. Declassified KGB documents and testimony by former Soviet Army personnel confirm that the U.S.S.R. experienced the same kind of incidents as their American military counterparts.

But this is not ancient history: I am aware of two relatively recent nukes-related UFO incidents, occurring at the Nellis AFB, Nevada, Area 2 Weapons Storage Area, in 2003, and near an ICBM launch control site—now known as a Missile Alert Facility—outside of Malmstrom AFB, Montana, in 2007.

Moreover, based on civilian eyewitness accounts and photographs, it seems likely that a UFO incursion occurred at the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station, in Orange County , California , in March 2009. In fact, based on my 37-year study of the UFO-Nukes Connection and my knowledge of the frequency of such cases, I consider it a virtual certainty that a UFO incursion took place, at some nuclear weapons-related facility somewhere, within the past year.

My opinion, given the available evidence, is that beings from another world have been observing the nuclear arms race for decades and have occasionally disrupted the functionality of the weapons to demonstrate their displeasure and concern. In essence, I think the nuclear powers are being warned that they are playing with fire.

I have been interviewing ex-U.S. military personnel about all of this since 1973, and have spoken about their revelations at over 500 American colleges and universities since 1981. Although local media coverage relating to my lectures over the years has been generally objective and quite favorable, the national media—with rare exceptions—simply would not touch this story. That is, until now. I am pleased to report that CNN, CBS, ABC and Fox News—among other major mainstream media organizations in the U.S. —covered the press conference objectively and in detail. Internationally, major news outlets in the UK , Russia , Japan , Australia , Ireland and many other countries covered the event as well.

That said, there remains mainstream media resistance to covering the dramatic nukes-related UFO revelations. For example, The New York Times—supposedly the newspaper–of-record in the U.S. —completely ignored last week’s press conference. I will have more to say on this subject in a future article.

The Press Conference Participants:

Dwynne Arneson served as an officer in the U.S. Air Force for 26 years, retiring in 1986 with the rank of Lt. Colonel. He held positions in communications electronics worldwide including Viet Nam . His last assignment was as Director of Logistics at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton , Ohio . He served as the commander of three different organizations. The highest clearance he held was Top Secret/Crypto/Special Compartmented Information/Talent Keyhole.

In 1967, he was Officer-in-Charge of the Communications Center , 28th Air Division, at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Great Falls , Montana , where he was in charge of the Top Secret cryptographic account. He was also the Top Secret Control Officer for the division and dispensed Top Secret nuclear launch authentication codes.

Upon retiring from the U.S. Air Force, he worked at Boeing Corporation as a computer systems analyst, holding positions involving network design and computer systems security. He retired from Boeing in 2008.

Bruce Fenstermacher served in the U.S. Air Force 20 years, the last 11 as an officer, retiring in 1980 with the rank of Captain. He held the position of Missile Combat Crew commander at F.E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne , Wyoming , from 1974 to 1977.

Upon retiring from the U.S. Air Force, Fenstermacher worked with several high-tech telecommunications companies as a senior technical trainer, training manager, or product support manager. He is now semi-retired, working part-time as an adjunct instructor for an online training school.

Charles Halt was a Lt. Colonel in 1980 when he was reassigned from the Pentagon to RAF Bentwaters, England as the Deputy Base Commander. At that time Bentwaters was the largest Tactical Fighter Wing in the U.S. Air Force. He was promoted to Colonel and became the Base Commander. He was later reassigned to Kunsan Air Base, Korea as the Base Commander. Kunsan at that time was the F-16 base responsible for any offensive action required on the Korean peninsula.

Halt moved from Korea to Florennes , Belgium where he was instrumental in establishing the Cruise Missile Base and active in the successful IMF Treaty with the Soviet Union . His final military assignment was Director, Inspections Directorate for the DOD Inspector General, where he had total inspection oversight of the entire Department of Defense.

Robert Hastings UFOs & Nukes By Robert Hastings is the leading researcher on nuclear weapons-related UFO activity, Hastings began interviewing former and retired U.S. military personnel—over 120 to date—in 1973. Since 1981, he has lectured on the UFO-Nukes Connection at over 500 colleges and universities in the United States . His authoritative book, UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, was published in July 2008. He appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live on July 18, 2008, together with three former U.S. Air Force officers who spoke about their involvement in classified UFO-related incidents.

Hastings received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Photography from Ohio University in 1972. In the mid-1980s, he retrained in the field of Electron Microscopy and worked as a laboratory analyst for Philips Semiconductors in Albuquerque between 1988 and 2002, while simultaneously lecturing about UFOs on the college lecture circuit. He is now semi-retired.

Robert Jamison was a U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. when he commanded an ICBM Combat Targeting Team at Malmstrom AFB, Montana , from January 1965 to October 1967. He then became a missile targeting instructor at Chanute AFB, Illinois, from October 1967 to October 1970, and finally served as targeting section commander at Minot AFB, North Dakota, before separating from active duty with the rank of Captain in July 1972. He entered inactive Reserves and received his Honorable Discharge in 1981.

Jamison graduated from Fresno State College (now named California State University , Fresno ) in 1959. Upon leaving the Air Force, he worked as a traffic engineer technician for Fresno County , California , in traffic safety. He returned to college part-time and received a BS in Civil Engineering and registration as a professional Civil Engineer ( California ). In 1991, he began employment with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), retiring in March 2006.

Patrick McDonough served in the U.S. Air Force as a Geodetic Surveyor, from 1962 to 1966, providing precise geographical coordinates for positioning missile and aircraft guidance and photographic systems. From F.E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne , Wyoming , he performed temporary duty worldwide relating to surveys for Atlas, Titan, Minuteman, Mace, and Matador missile sites, as well as those carried by B-52 nuclear bombers. He also performed surveys for aircraft utilizing similar guidance systems, including the SR71, and at research facilities.

Upon leaving the U.S. Air Force, McDonough worked for AT&T, retiring in 1994 as a Marketing Manager in Strategic Market Planning performing Competitive Intelligence analysis and counter strategies. He earned an MBA at San Francisco State University and a Doctor of Business Administration at California Coast University .

In 1987, he joined the Naval Reserve Intelligence Program, retiring in 2003 as the Command Master Chief for Naval Intelligence Southwest Region of the United States . He held Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information/Special Access level clearances.

Jerry Nelson earned a BS in Chemistry from Clemson University in 1961. He served in the U.S. Air Force from 1962 to 1965, assigned to the 579th Strategic Missile Squadron at Walker AFB, Roswell , New Mexico , as a Deputy Missile Crew Commander.

Upon leaving the Air Force, Nelson worked for Chrysler Corporation on NASA’s Saturn IB program in New Orleans , from 1965 to 1968, and for Bendix Corporation at Kennedy Space Center on the Apollo program, from 1968 to 1971. He attended the University of Florida from 1971 to 1974, receiving a BS in Pharmacy. Employed as a Pharmacist until retiring in 2000.

Robert Salas is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, Class of 1964, Salas served almost seven years active duty, until resigning in 1971. While in the Air Force, he worked as a Weapons Controller (aircraft control), flew pilotless target drones, served as a missile launch officer, and was a propulsion engineer on the Titan III missile.

In 1969, Salas earned a Masters Degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology. From 1971-73, he worked as a safety and reliability engineer for Martin-Marietta Aerospace and Rockwell International on Space Shuttle design proposals. From 1973, until his retirement in 1995, he worked for the Federal Aviation Administration in aircraft structures certification. In 1998, he earned a Masters Degree in Education from the University of Washington . From 1998-2005, he worked as a high school mathematics teacher. He currently tutors students in mathematics. He wrote the book Faded Giant with co-author James Klotz which details the UFO incident he witnessed while stationed at Malmstrom AFB, Montana.

The Participants’ Affidavits:
- click on image(s) to enlarge -

Patrick McDonough  Affidavit (Pg 1)

Robert L. Salas Affidavit (Pg 1) Robert L. Salas Affidavit (Pg 2)

Robert C Jamison Affidavit (Pg 1) Robert C Jamison Affidavit

Dwynne C Arneson Affidavit Jerome C. Nelson Affidavit (Pg 1)Jerome C. Nelson Affidavit (Pg 2)

Bruce Fenstermacher Affidavit (Pg 1) Bruce Fenstermacher Affidavit (Pg 2)

Charles I Halt Affidavit (Pg 1) Charles I Halt Affidavit (Pg 2)

The Declassified Documents:
- click on image(s) to enlarge -- click on image(s) to enlarge -

UFO Report Minot AFB 8-25-1966 (Pg 1)UFO Report Minot AFB 8-25-1966 (Pg 2)UFO Report Minot AFB 8-25-1966 (Pg 3)
Air Force Teletype 3-17-1967 Loss of Strategic AlertFBI Doc - Aerial Phenomenon Near Sensitive Installations in New Mexico 8-23-1950FBI Doc - Protection of Vital Installations 1-31-1949Air Force FOIA Response  (Pg 1) 10-4-1977Air Force FOIA Response  (Pg 2) 10-4-1977Air Force FOIA Response  (Pg 3) 10-4-1977Air Force FOIA Response  (Pg 4) 10-4-1977

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