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By Tim Hebert
When it comes to the existence of UFOs, I have to admit that I'm rather agnostic about the subject. Its simple for me, over the past 53 years, I've never seen a UFO. I don't rule the phenomenon out completely, but I'm of the mind frame that you have to "show me the saucer" or better yet, I need to see one with my own eyes. The case of the Malmstrom AFB UFO incident that allegedly happened in 1967 caught my attention about a year ago. Malmstrom was my first Air Force assignment, stationed there from 1981 to 1985. I was assigned to the 490th Strategic Missile Squadron as a Minuteman II launch officer. My primary alert facilities where November-01, Lima-01 and Kilo-01. During my time on station, I never saw a UFO, nor did I hear from other alert crew members that they had seen one. Curiously, I had never heard of any stories about UFOs disabling ICBM. We would talk about the myths and legends surrounding our "haunted" Launch Facility, A-05, but UFOs weren't in our lexicon.timhebert.blogspot.com
On the morning of March 16, 1967, Capt Eric Carlson and Lt Walter Figel were finishing up their alert cycle at the 10th Strategic Missile Squadron's Echo-01 Launch Control Center located near Winifred, MT. At approximately 0845, an alarm sounded indicating a missile fault. One of Echo's Launch Facilities (LF) had dropped from "Strategic Alert" to off alert. The crew, following tech order procedures initiated a Voice Reporting Signal Assembly (VRSA) channel check that revealed a reporting channel 9, LF No-Go, effecting the Minuteman I's guidance and control system. In rapid succession, the rest of Echo's remaining 9 sorties drop off alert status. All with the same VRSA channel 9 LF No-Go report.
Fast forward three decades. UFO researcher, Robert Hastings, tells an interesting tale of UFOs and a subsequent Air Force cover-up involving the Echo Flight shutdown. In an article on the ufochronicles.com web site, "Did UFOs Cause the Shutdown of ICBMs at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967?" dated 12-26-2008, Hastings provides the contents of a telephone interview with Col Walter Figel (USAF Ret).
More . . .
See Also:
Did UFOs Cause the Shutdown of ICBMs at Malmstrom AFB, in March 1967?
UFOs Did Shutdown Minuteman Missiles at Echo Flight and Oscar Flight at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967
The Echo/Oscar Witch Hunt (Figel & Meiwald Audio Interviews)
My Evidence: The Account of Minute-Man Missiles Being Disabled, While UFOs Hovered Over The Launch Facilities
UFOS & NUKES | Cheyenne, Wyoming: UFO Reported Near Nuclear Missile Launch Sites; Air Force Search Team Tracks Object & Observes It Taking Off
UFOs & Nukes | Moore, Montana: Security Guard at Nuclear Missile Site Reports UFO Near Complex
UFOs & NUKES | UFOs Reported 200 Ft Above Nike Missile Base HM-40 at Key Largo, Florida
UFOs & NUKES | UFOs Have Penetrated Restricted Air Space Over Nuclear Missile Sites; Jammed Vital Electronic Equipment & Eluded Fighter Aircraft
UFOs & NUKES | Altus Oklahoma: UFO Hovers Over Nuclear Missile Silo for 8 To 10 Minutes
Malmstrom Air Force Base Picks Up UFO on Radar; "Sabotage Alert Team Located Another UFO Directly Over The Base"
I'm 51,and it's as plain as the nose on your face that the E.T element is concerned with nuclear weapons/capabilities. I used to say what I'm about to say very private, only a few friends knew about it.
ReplyDeleteIt was a bright beautiful Friday (i think) at about 2.30pm. When my sister a social worker brought our attention to a disc, rotating on it's own axis at about fifty degrees.
Blue plasma like flame/gas/discharge surrounded the circumference of the disc. It then continued to stand totally upright and vanish over the horizon within about two maybe three seconds. Two R.A.F GR4 Tornadoes ripped the relevant quiet of a corner of Hereford, with afterburners pluming like welders torches aiming in the same direction. Ufology knowledge is alot akin to the world money situation. 80% of the world's wealth is owned by 20 % of the population. Like 85-90% knowledge of E.T knowledge is being kept at a level, not even the President of the United States of America can scratch the service of.
I did not appreciate Mr. Carlson's heavy-handed anti-UFO take, but this article is much better, and is rational.
ReplyDeleteDid UFOs cause the problem? I agree that the "proof" of it isn't all that clear.
I commented on his site, and thanked him for writing the article. Much better than having to read someone else ripping people who see UFOs.
Thank you, Frank, for presenting this counter-argument.
Hi Bob,
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking time to make comment (Craig too).
I've never had a problem with Carlson's "anti-Ufology stance"--it's the acrimony and ad hominem attacks that accompany his declarations that I can't stomach. In contrast-Hebert's a breath of fresh air!
As to whether UFO's affected the missiles at Echo Flight (and or Oscar) there isn't enough data to make that conclusion; conversely, we do know that UFOs were reported in close proximity to the LF's and there is a history of UFOs affecting electronics e.g., cars, planes etc. (Not to mention a case at another missile site where communications were affected: http://tinyurl.com/2a9pwvg)
Having two unprecedented incidents of nuclear missiles going down within days of each other, and UFOs being reported in both instances, (along with being cognizant of other recorded cases pertaining to electronic interference etc., re UFOs) the hypothesis that these contrivances had something to do with the shut-downs is certainly plausible.
Frank, I wanted to thank you for posting my article on your site. Am curious though as to how you came about it, but I'm pleased that you posted it. The purpose of the article was to offer an alternative hypothesis concerning the Malmstrom 1967 event. I'm assuming that my hypothesis is in variance with most of your readers, but hope that most will give it due consideration.
ReplyDeleteThank you kindly,
Tim Hebert
Mornin' Tim,
ReplyDeleteYou wrote:
Frank, I wanted to thank you for posting my article on your site.
Your very welcome!
You wrote:
Am curious though as to how you came about it, but I'm pleased that you posted it.
I do my best to pay attention. Moreover, The UFO Chronicles is a repository for all things UFO; by default if it appears on the internet it cycles through one of our side-bar feeds.
You wrote:
The purpose of the article was to offer an alternative hypothesis concerning the Malmstrom 1967 event.
Well done and well written. There are a few factual errors that I'll try to address, time permitting.
You wrote:
I'm assuming that my hypothesis is in variance with most of your readers, but hope that most will give it due consideration.
Sadly, the majority of people in general re Ufology begin with a predisposition and often times are unwilling to mind the topic at all; at the same time, there are those who always see "aliens" in the proverbial ink blot; then there are those who remember what the acronym stands for, i.e., "Unidentified." In the end, without mutual discourse or debate, progress is halted and declination is inevitable.
Like you, I would hope that our readers, and all concerned would take the time to digest the arguments, analyze the evidence and make "informed" conclusions.
P.S. Elsewhere, I noted that you felt your comments may have been disallowed; to the best of my knowledge this has never taken place. As long as "comment etiquette" (as seen above) is adhered to all comments will be published (unless an author has been banned for repeated violations).