Monday, December 06, 2010

FOIA Request for Malmstrom AFB's Entire FOIA Case File No. 2011-00354-F

Freedom of Information


341st Missile Wing (AFGSC)
30 73rd Street North - Bldg. 772, Suite 2
Malmstrom Air Force Base, MT 59402-7513
Larry W. Bryant
3518 Martha Custis Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302
November 26, 2010

1. Reference: Your Mr. Wayne E. Ford's Nov. 9, 2010, letter to me (quoted below), by which he resorts to a red-herring, public-relations response to my freedom-of-information request of Sept. 30, 2010.

2. Since I need additional documentation by which to prepare my forthcoming appeal of Mr. Ford's tantamount denial of my Sept. 30, 2010, FOIA request, I hereby submit this letter as a formal FOIA request that you send me a photocopy of your command's entire case file on the processing of my FOIA request No. 2011-00354-F - said file to include all action log sheets, tasking documents, agency coordination documents, action officers' processing notes, memoranda for record, e-mail messages, memoranda of telephone calls, minutes of meetings, and related records-management protocols/correspondence/talking points.

3. Please note my intention to share the contents of the sought-for case file with staff members of any congressional committee concerned about your command's apparent lack of adequate security preparedness as regards Malmstrom operations' decades-long vulnerability to UFO intrusion.

4. By USPS mail, I'm sending to you a signed printout of this e-formatted letter.


Copies furnished to:

Chairman, U. S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Lewis Kannon


Dear Mr. Bryant:

We received your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated 30 Sep 10 on 20 Oct 10 for the following item(s):

- A copy of USAF housed records documenting any and all such UFO intrusions occurring at/near Malmstrom AFB since March 1967 up to the present and
- A copy of any and all readiness plans for dealing with UFO intrusions at Malmstrom.

The Air Force History Support Office has been tasked to distribute the 1995 Air Force Document, The Roswell Report: Fact vs. Fiction in the New Mexico Desert to FOIA requesters. If you do not already have a copy, one can be obtained by writing to the US Government Printing Office (GPO) and requesting document number: ISBN 0-16-048023-X. A copy of the 1997 Air Force document, The Roswell Report: Case Closed can also be purchased from the US GPO by requesting document number ISBN 0-16-049018-9. Please send your request to them at:

US Government Printing Office
Superintendent of Document, Mail Stop: SSOP
Washington, DC 20402-9328

From June 1947 through December 1969, the Air Force was primarily responsible for investigating the UFO phenomena. That investigation was conducted by the Air Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. That organization is currently known as the National Air Intelligence Center (NAIC).

All of the records of that investigation (known as Projects Sign, 1947-1949, Project Grudge, 1949-1952 & Project Blue Book, 1952-1969) were retired to the National Archives and are available to the public at the Archives and on archives microfilm publication T1206 (94 rolls of 35 MM film).

The following website provides information from our Public Affairs office:

The base action officer has been unable to locate any records that meet your request. All record systems were searched that are likely to contain the requested records. There are no records maintained by the function Offices of Primary Responsibility (OPRs) relating to the subject matter of the FOIA request. To our knowledge, no other record systems are likely to produce any responsive records onboard Malmstrom Air Force Base

Should you decide that an appeal of this decision is necessary, you must write to the Secretary of the Air Force at the address below in sufficient time so that the appeal reaches us no later than 60 calendar days after the date of this letter. Include in the appeal your reasons for requesting reconsideration and attaching a copy of this letter. Address your letter as follows:

Secretary of the Air Force
7015 Goddard Drive
Malmstrom AFB, MT 59402-7513

The FOIA provides for collection of fees based on processing a FOIA request. There are no assessable fees on this request.

I am at your disposal if you have any questions regarding this request. My commercial number is 406-731-3235 and my email is .


Freedom of Information Act Manager
FOIA Request 2011-00354-F

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