The trailer will debut online Wednesday, but in the meantime this should give you a taste of what's in store. The trailer sets up the basic conflict of the story and the film's tone. Set in Arizona in the 1870s, the trailer opens with outlaw Jake Lonergan (Daniel Craig) waking up in the middle of nowhere with a strange, futuristic gauntlet on his arm and no idea of how it got there.
He's a bad hombre, this Lonergan, a wanted man as it turns out. His arrival in the town of Absolution -- which counts Olivia Wilde, Sam Rockwell and Keith Carradine among its denizens -- does not go without incident. Turns out he's crossed powerful local rancher Colonel Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford), but before punishment can be meted out a greater menace forces these two enemies to ally for the common good: alien invaders.
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