The lack of higher intelligence seems more acute than ever, with at least three fabricated YouTube videos recently posted showing the same spot of light floating above the Temple Mount in Jerusalem with the unconvincing oohs and aahs of those witnessing and filming the “UFO” in the background. The videos have garnered over 2 million views by Sunday. . . .
HOAXkiller1 is leading the pack of debunking videos, with some 350,000 views on Sunday evening for six separate pieces, showing the original photo available on Wikipedia Commons that was the backdrop for the rather primitive work done in an attempt to make it look like part of a video shoot.
Besides close-ups that showed the background image was actually a static image on a screen and pointing out the faults in the attempt to show flashes of light,
Motion tile mirrors a bit of the edges of a static image “to hide the black edges created when they added fake camera shake to the video,” HOAXkiller 1 explains. “The camera movements are fake. That is why the mirror lines follow the movement of the camera.”
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