If in fact The great pyramid of Giza
I have recently come upon several new theories about how the pyramids of Giza were built, indicating that after all these years and all the research that has been done, we still don’t have any factual information on how they were built, who built them or for what purpose. Unlike everything else the Egyptian civilization did accomplish, no records have been discovered on how or who built the 3 pyramids of Giza or the Sphinx. Theories are described as, “Proposed explanations whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual facts.” Many I suppose would place UFO research into that same category as only being theories, since some have suggested that alien technology was involved in the building of the pyramids.
Researcher Stephen Mehler offers scientific evidence in his book, “The Land of Osiris”,
The great pyramid of Giza stands over 450’ tall and contains some 2 ½ million stones weighing between 2 and 70 tons each. That does not include the polished limestone casing stones that originally covered the stones seen today. Only one of the three great pyramids of Giza still has any casing stones in place near the top, due to the Arabs removing them to build mosques and temples.
The most frequently mentioned method of building the pyramids is the use of a ramp to drag the stones to their final location, requiring 20-30 years and 20-30,000 workers to accomplish. Considering the stones had to be quarried, cut, transported up the Nile river, moved across the Giza Plateau and set, using the above information, a stone would have had to been placed every 90 seconds.

Another mathematical problem is the ramp itself. Knowing the height of the pyramid (450 feet) and assuming an angle of 20 degrees for the ramp, which would be a fairly steep angle, the length of a ramp would calculate to more than 1316 feet long. Additionally, assuming a conservative width of 20 feet for the ramp, and knowing the length and height, the volume of material required for such a ramp would be more than 7,000,000 cubic feet. These numbers seem like astronomical figures, since as the pyramid grew taller, the ramp would have to be lengthened and the base widened to keep it from collapsing. Since there are over 200 lifts, or steps to the top of the great pyramid, considerable time would have been lost in maintaining the ramp size for each lift. Other ramp methods have also been theorized, using internal, zigzag, or spiraling ramps. Levitation of the stones has also been mentioned.

More recently, Steven Myers, author of the book, “Lost Technologies of the Great Pyramid”
When the three pyramids of Giza were built remains as much a mystery as how they were built and/or who build them. Many believe they were build before the great flood mentioned in the Bible, as one researcher has found evidence of fossils in some of the stones. I would raise the question of whether those fossils were in the stones cut from the quarries, or were they embedded after the pyramid was built due to a massive flood? In either case unlike today, Egypt was apparently subjected to a large amount of water at one time, 5-10 thousand years ago. I’m also convinced that the Sphinx shows evidence on the back portion of the lion’s body of water damage, not deteriation by wind and sand as many propose, having been covered with sand up to the neck until the 1800’s.
Although I’ve not found any direct references to the pyramids of Giza in the Bible, Biblical scholars have made other comments such as found in Isaiah 19:19-20; Joshua 22:26, Ephesians 2:20-21
The purpose of the great pyramid has been discussed by many over the years indicating it was designed as an energy machine, while others contend it was a water pump of sort. Today there is no doubt that it is a money-making generator based on the tourism industry in Egypt.
A few of the lesser-known facts about the three pyramids of Giza that I find interesting are the following:
The alignment of the three pyramids of Giza coincides with the 3 stars of Orion’s belt in the Orion Constellation.Egyptologists continue to take credit for building the three pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, however these theories and others not mentioned here need to be considered. For me the research of the pyramids and Sphinx are more important than as a tourist industry.
There is believed to be a large rock outcropping directly below the pyramids which might explain why the massive weight of the pyramids has not recessed much in height over thousands of years.
The great pyramid was placed in the exact center of all the land area of the world. Lines drawn through the north-south and east-west axis of the pyramid divide equally all the earth’s terrain.
The empty coffer found in the great pyramid by the Arabs about 850 AD has the exact same inside dimensions as the “Ark of the Covenant” mentioned in the Bible. Coincidence?
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