By Kevin Boie
Original Air Date: 11-7-1999

The skies over Lubbock, Texas produced a sensation around the world for a few weeks in 1951 after residents reported a series of UFO sightings that still defy explanation. Beginning Aug. 25, a strange line of bluish lights were seen flying swiftly over the town. The first people to see the so-called
Lubbock Lights 
were four college professors from Texas Tech University. They attempted to study what they'd seen (without much success) but concluded, in the end, that the lights were under intelligent control. "We're not talking about the
flying saucer
lunatic fringe here. We're talking about professional people who were apparently impressed enough by what they'd seen to go out and try to observe them under scientific conditions," said Roswell, New Mexico college professor and photo analyst Dr. Donald Burleson.
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