Thursday, March 03, 2011

Chuck Zukowski, Volunteer Deputy Fired Over UFO Work?

Chuck Zukowski

Exclusive: deputy fired over UFO investigationBy Andy Koen
     Chuck Zukowski has been a volunteer deputy with the El Paso County Sheriff's Office for eight years. He was fired last month, according to his termination letter, because of his "conducting paranormal and unidentified flying object investigations" and "publicly contradicting ... an official investigation."

The incident in question appears to be the horse mutilations that took place at the Schneider Ranch near Rush last August. Zukowski disagreed with the official findings and said so in both his blog ( and an interview he gave to a Denver television station.

"I know in the letter it says that I contradicted their statement, but I didn't contradict them per se. Where I mentioned El Paso County Sheriff's Department was wrong, I've never, ever done that."

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