Wednesday, April 20, 2011

CIA Releases Six of The Oldest Secret Documents in the U.S. Government Archives


CIA recipe for invisible ink among newly released WWI-era documents

By Peter Finn
The Washington Post

     So you want to open sealed envelopes without getting caught?

Here’s the secret, according to one of the six oldest classified documents in possession of the Central Intelligence Agency:

“Mix 5 drams copper acetol arsenate. 3 ounces acetone and add 1 pint amyl alcohol (fusil-oil). Heat in water bath — steam rising will dissolve the sealing material of its mucilage, wax or oil.”

But there’s a warning for the intrepid spy: “Do not inhale fumes.”

Nearly a century after it was written, the recipe was released Tuesday by the CIA as part of a cache of six World War I-era documents. . . .

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