Yesterday at about noon, a UFO was sighted over a runway, at the Jiangbei International Airport in Chongqing, affecting immediate action from air traffic controllers. All flights were restricted for about an hour, and several flights were diverted to other airports.
The restrictions were lifted when the object “left” the area according to The Daily; although the Chongqing government hasn’t offered an official explanation for the UFO event, airport authorities “played down” the emergency, evoking the “sky lantern” or “balloon” theories as possible explanations.
Last year as most readers will recall, a similar event took place at Xiaoshan Airport in Zhejiang's provincial capital of Hangzhou; that event caused quite a stir both in UFO circles, as well as being picked by the mainstream media.
. . . More
See Also:
UFO NEWS: An ‘Unidentified Flying Object’ Forces Temporary Closure of Chinese Airport; Inbound Flights Diverted
China Hugging Little Green Men
"The UFO That Shut Down Hangzhou's Xiaoshan Airport Earlier
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