Sunday, October 30, 2011

UFO NEWS | CHILE | UFO Photographed Over La Serena

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By Inexplicata

     On October 22, 2011 at approximately 15:00 hours, this photo was taken by Magdalena Montserrat Rivera TarifeƱo using a Blackberry 9800 with a high resolution camera. The location was near the village of Tongoy. We have no further background information to share regarding the image, for example, whether this source of light moved...was it static, did it spin, did it make noise, etc.or any other similar detail.

While the photo is very clear, as well as the sky behind it, we will not hazard a guess as to its nature without prior analysis, to be conducted in coming weeks. Also, and as is our custom, if any reader can contribute other details seen at that time, they will be most welcome.

NOUFA extends thanks to Mr. Jose I. Rivera Pellegrini and Ivan Vorved for sending us this photo and authorizing us to share it with our readers.

* (Translation (c) 2011 S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to NOUFA)

* Source: NOUFA (Noticiero Ufologico Autonomo) Date: 10.26.11

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