Saturday, April 30, 2011

UFOs & NUKES | Civilians Report UFOs in F.E. Warren's Missile Field

UFO Over FE Warren Missile Launch Site

Reports of UFO sightings continue in the area

By Patrick Cossel
The Western Nebraska Observer

     On October 23, 2010, an event took place that would appear to come right off the pages of a Tom Clancy story. F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Cheyenne, Wyo. lost contact with 50 of the minuteman missiles under their watch. These missiles represent a portion of the nuclear arsenal owned by the U.S. However, instead of being a spy trying infiltrate our country and launch an attack, it is possible it was something else. Something not even Clancy’s hero Jack Ryan could prevent.

Robert HastingsRobert Hastings, a UFO investigator based out of New Mexico originally believed the Air Force was telling the truth when they claimed a glitch knocked the missiles offline. But, after calling around to local sheriff’s departments and talking to residents, Hastings believes it was something else, UFOs.

Hastings has been investigating UFOs since the early 1970s. He first became interested in them while working in the Air Traffic control tower at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana as a janitor. Hastings lived at Malmstrom while his father was stationed there.

One day while doing his routine work, Hastings said reports came over of the FAA tracking five unknown objects. Hastings said in the few moments he was able to listen to the reports he learned that the unknown objects were being classified as UFOs and two fighter jets were launched to intercept. Hastings was asked to leave by the FAA supervisor on duty at the time. Nothing else was ever talked about that day.

Still, the event left the young Hastings convinced there was something going on. And, it involved our nuclear weapons. So he began researching.

UFOs and Nukes By Robert HastingsBy 1981 Hastings felt he had enough information that he entered the lecture circuit and began speaking at several colleges and institutions. His continued research led to the publishing of a 600 page book UFOS and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, in 2008.

What piqued Hasting’s interest in the case at F.E. Warren was that this wasn’t the first time the Air Force lost their ability to interact with their nuclear weapons.

Hastings received a letter from retired Air Force Launch Officer David H. Schuur telling of an incident at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota in July 1966 when a UFO was spotted hovering over a missile site. Within moments of the SAT (Security Alert team) radioing the LCC (Launch Control Center) about the object, the missile firing sequence began.

It took the launch officers inside the LCC inputting the interrupt sequence to shut it down. Hastings believes that the UFO was ascertaining what the weapons could do and how it worked.

Hastings came to the Wyoming Nebraska area in December, 2010. His intent was to do some snooping and see if he could learn anything. He called around to local sheriff’s departments and learned from Kimball County Sheriff Harry Gillway of UFO reports. Hastings knew there was more.

In his few days of being in Kimball, Cheyenne, Scotts Bluff counties in Nebraska, and Eastern Laramie County (Wyoming), Hastings laid the ground work for people to contact him. It didn’t take long.

Hastings received three accounts that could relate to the Oct. 23, 2010 incident.

For a resident of Sidney, who has asked to remain unnamed, she saw a UFO in early October. She said she was sitting outside on her porch in the early night time hours enjoying the weather when an object caught her eye.

“I saw an object flying north-to-south and then return flying south-to-north,” she says.

The object was low enough that she was able to build a model of what she saw and send it to Hastings.

“It was black and silver and I could see at least four lights on it,” she says, “I could see what looked like corrugated metal on the underside.”

The witness continued to look for the object and was convinced that it might have gone away when something grabbed her attention behind her.

“I heard a bird make an unusual sounding squawk behind me and I turned around,” she said,” there it was flying north-to-south coming over the trees.”

The object, moving quickly, made no sound. At this point she decides it might be best to go inside.

“I wasn’t scared, but I was confused by what I was seeing,” she says.

She made the decision to call Hastings after she read an article about him looking for information.

Located 18 miles to the west is the town of Potter. Here a resident, who lives on the Kimball-Cheyenne County line, recounts a similar tale. Again, she has asked not to have her named mentioned.

This witness was walking with her dogs in the early morning hours of Dec. 23, 2010. She walks with her dogs because they are small and doesn’t want coyotes to bother them.

The first thing to strike her about the winter morning was it was overcast. Despite the density of the overcast, she was able to see a single bright star.

The star was so bright that it consumed her attention.

“I began to really focus on it,” she said.

Her efforts revealed that it was an object, cigar-like in shape with very bright lights. It was positioned between two missile silos she lives close to.

Suddenly, as she was staring at it, it simply vanished. She became scared and started to call her dogs to go inside. They, obviously shaken as well, beat her to the door.

“They wanted in the house, they never act like that,” she says.

Concerned that someone might think she had lost her mind, she hesitated to tell anyone. Finally she broke down and told her husband.

“I was afraid he would laugh at me, but he didn’t,” she says.

Encouraged by this, she talked to her boss. Her boss encouraged her to contact Hastings.

Since that sighting, she has not seen more. However, work at the silo the UFO appeared to be most focused on has intensified.

She says that she tends to have an open mind about things and, although she has tried to convince herself otherwise, can’t identify the object as anything but alien.

“All I can say is I hope they are friendly, if they have the technology to move like that, we don’t stand a chance,” she says.

The most recent reported sighting in the western Nebraska area was March 18, 2011. This comes from a Sheriff’s Deputy in Kimball. The deputy was on patrol in the southern part of the county close to the Colorado border when he saw an object fly in front of his car.

The deputy, who claims belief in UFOs, contacted Sheriff Gillway.

For Robert Hastings these types of reports are not uncommon, especially in this area. Sidney, once home to the Sioux Army Depot, was the site of nine UFO sightings in 1965. Hastings has also heard reports from residents from Dix of UFO sightings.

In response to these events, and for the events that took place in 1965, the Air Force’s official comment was, “We have no information available.” The comment comes from the Air Force Global Strike Command at Barksdale Air Force Base and was relayed by the staff at the Public Affairs office at F.E. Warren Air Force Base. The Air Force maintains that it was a glitch that caused the communication loss on Oct. 23, 2010.

Hastings believes there is indeed alien life forms checking out our capabilities. He said the documentations he has received through the Freedom of Information Act indicate radar evidence of these objects moving at 1,000s of miles an hour and stopping on a dime.

“Clearly no country on earth is capable of this,” he says.

Hastings says the UFOs are interested in our nuclear weapons for their protection as well as ours. He said the destruction of a planet would be so catastrophic to the solar system that these beings are keeping a watchful eye on us.

“If they intended to harm us, they would have done so already,” Hastings says.

“They are admonishing the super powers.”

Hastings believes that the alien life forms are attempting to prepare the people of earth for an

encounter with them. He says these sightings are just a warm-up.

“This is a long time conditioning, preparing for communication,” he says.

Hastings says the beings are trying to send us a message.

“They are trying to let us know they can interfere with our weapons,” he says.

Aside from the UFO sightings in this part of Nebraska or the U.S. Hastings has also received information about UFOs sighted over nuclear weapons in Pakistan, the former U.S.S.R., Israel, India, France and the United Kingdom.

Think you have seen a UFO? You can contact Hastings at

* Special Thanks To Patrick Cossel & The Western Nebraska Observer

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Albuquerque, New Mexico and UFO Subsculture

Welcome to Albuquerque

By Norio Hayakawa

Norio Hayakawa New Mexico is officially the Land of Enchantment.
However, it seems that there are some who take this state motto almost literally and even believe that it is indeed the Land of Enchantment in more ways than one.

Some even seem to regard New Mexico as a state that has always been (and continues to be) filled with unexplained mysteries, especially when it comes to UFOs and paranormal phenomena.

Of course New Mexico has Roswell, world famous for its alleged 1947 "crash" incident–what really took place in July of 1947 outside of Roswell no one knows for sure–perhaps there may be prosaic explanations to that incident. But, again, no one knows for sure.

The bottom line to me is that whether it really took place or not ( i.e., the alleged crash of an "extraterrestrial" spacecraft, as had been so claimed and described by witnesses at that time) is really not what matters the most. So far we can say that there has not been any single solid, tangible, physical, irrefutable documentary evidence that we have ever been (or are being) visited by physical extraterrestrial aliens in physical extraterrestrial spacecraft.

That said, this does not mean at all that the UFO phenomenon does not exist. In fact, the UFO phenomenon seems to remain a great mystery, even from time immemorial. It's just that we cannot come to any hasty conclusions equating this phenomenon with physical extraterrestrial visitations. That's the bottom line.

But what is more important than all this is the indelible psychological imprint these type of alleged incidents have left in the "psyche" of a segment of the population, which has created a subculture of its own.

Besides Roswell we also have Socorro, site of a well-known April, 1964 alleged landing incident, allegedly witnessed by a Highway Patrol officer by the name of Lonnie Zamora. (Speaking of April of 1964, some "ufologists" even seem to claim that a contact/landing incident had also taken place at Holloman Air Force Base at White Sands Missile Range.)

East of Socorro and next to the northern limits of White Sands Missile Range is a small town called San Antonio where rumors have existed of a crash of what was then described as a mysterious object in the summer of 1945. (By the way, it is said that in 1945, immediately after the conclusion of World War II, hundreds of German scientists, engineers and even some former SS intelligence officers were brought to the U.S. through a program called Operation Paperclip. Many were said to have arrived from Ohio's Wright Patterson Army Air Base and temporarily housed at Albuquerque's Kirtland Army Air Base - Kirtland AFB today. Some of these German scientists were then transferred to Los Alamos National Laboratory. Some were transferred to White Sands Missile Ranges for various testing projects such as rocketry and other military technological projects. So, they say....)

If we look towards the Four Corners area we have Farmington (site of an alleged mass sightings of UFOs in March of 1950); Aztec (site of an alleged 1948 "crash" outside the town) and Dulce (site of an alleged underground base and bio-lab, as well as being the site of numerous "cattle mutilations" that took place especially between the mid 1970s and the 1980s) and many other places filled with UFO lore.

In northern New Mexico we also have Taos, site of the many claims of strange "hums" reportedly heard by many residents in the early 1980s.

In northeastern New Mexico we have a small town of Cimarron where, in 1979, a lady by the name of Myrna Hansen claimed to have experienced an alien abduction, the first of its kind in New Mexico. This case had received quite an attention, especially since an Albuquerque scientist and defense contractor, the late Paul Bennewitz of Thunder Scientific Corporation (that still does business with Kirtland AFB), investigated this case and led him to theorize that she may have been temporarily taken into an underground facility in Dulce. (Or was this all part of Psychological Operations program created and manipulated by the OSI at Kirtland AFB?)

Yes, this all sounded too bizarre (and continues to be so) to most people who are in the mainstream of society.

Everything discussed so far has been brought up with the important qualifier, "alleged", but from here on, let me give you some facts, not allegations:

  • New Mexico is home to Los Alamos National Laboratories, probably the nation's most advanced conglomerate research community, even in the field of DNA/genetics research.
  • In December of 1967, the U.S. government had exploded a nuclear device in northern New Mexico, a mile and a half underground, just southwest of Dulce, purportedly to ease the flow of natural gas thought to have been entrapped beneath beneath layers and layers of hard rocks. That experiment was called Project Gasbuggy. The Ground Zero site of this 1967 experiment is open to the public today. There is a government plaque there that marks the exact spot. A few years ago I had a privilege of visiting this site, guided by a Jicarilla Apache person from Dulce.
  • In Southern New Mexico, there is the White Sands Missile Range where America's most advanced directed energy weapons (laser/microwave) systems are being tested.
  • Albuquerque itself is the site of Kirtland Air Force Base, Manzano Underground Nuclear Storage Facility, as well as Sandia Labs and Phillips/Air Force Research Labs, probably two of America's most advanced military technological research labs.

Yes, there is a large presence of defense contractors, engineers and scientists who live in the Albuquerque area. They say that in New Mexico there are more scientists and engineers per population than in any other state.( Despite the ironical fact that when it comes to public education, New Mexico ranks about 48th nationally).

Whether one is a believer or a skeptic in all this, it is nevertheless fascinating to observe how a segment of the population's beliefs have impacted the society, culture and subculture, especially here in the Land of Enchantment.

This is all about beliefs. It is similar to religious beliefs. It is human nature to have religious beliefs and it has nothing to do with educational levels of the person. Even a nuclear physicist may have no qualms about believing in angels and demons.

What is "reality" to one person may not be the same as another person's view of "reality". The study of various levels of "reality" as well as "dimensions and time" is a very important aspect of quantum physics today.

The bottom line to all this is that we still do not know for sure what "reality" is.

VIDEO | The Dylan Ratigan Show: Senior Astronomer Seth Shostak Discusses Recent Suspension in Search for Extraterrestrial Life

When Facts Fail: UFO Cults, 'Birthers' and Cognitive Dissonance

UFO Believers

By Susan Perry

     More than 50 years ago, University of Minnesota social psychologist Leon Festinger and two colleagues wrote these words in the opening to “When Prophecy Fails,” their groundbreaking case study on cognitive dissonance:
A man with a conviction is a hard man to change. Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point.

We have all experienced the futility of trying to change a strong conviction, especially if the convinced person has some investment in his belief. We are familiar with the variety of ingenious defenses with which people protect their convictions, managing to keep them unscathed through the most devastating attacks.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

UFO NEWS | New Roswell UFO Museum Nixed?

Roswell UFO Museum

By The Daily Reporter

     ROSWELL, N.M. — The Earthlings trying to get the International UFO Museum and Research Center in Roswell built say construction on the planned facility has been put on hold indefinitely.

Museum director Julie Shuster said in an interview Monday with the Roswell Daily Record that the museum project is on indefinite hold due to circumstances beyond their control.

Efforts to build a 30,000 square-foot, space age looking building have been under way for five years.

SETI Funding Falls Short; Search for ET is on Hold

Arecibo Observatory

SETI shelves search for intelligent life

By Elizabeth Flock
The Washington Post

     The SETI Institute has put its $50 million Allen Telescope Array (ATA) into hibernation, effectively shelving its search for extraterrestrial life.

In an e-mail sent this past Friday to ATA private donors, SETI Institute CEO Tom Pierson said there was a shortage of $5 million needed to fund the operation of the giant radio dishes that search the universe for signals from deep space. Starting this week, operations of the Hat Creek Radio Observatory north of San Francisco, where the ATA is located, will be suspended, and the 42 dishes will be put into hibernation.

UFOs & NUKES | Mystery Object 'Visited' Nike Site, Army Told

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

UFO NEWS | Argentina: UFO Photo Causes Media Uproar

Argentina UFO San Juan April 2011Inexplicata

By Daiana Kaziura
Diaro de Cuyo Newsroom

     Seen over Calingasta: witness took photo of a figure with luminous circles forming a triangle. He later picked up another object, but with a different shape.

“I swear that I was petrified!” said Martin Pastor as he pointed at the image that he picked up last Sunday in Calingasta. he said that he thought the recently rising moon had a strange shape to it, and thus began to photograph it. After a while, he was able to see a triangle with three circular vertexes superimposed over the moon. As it moved away from the moon’s glow, it became invisible. “It was a UFO to me,” he said.

Images of strange objects crossing the skies keep capturing the world’s attention. The case involving the photographer from Santa Fe who took photos of what he believed to be a UFO – and NASA had confirmed – caused a media uproar. This was in spite of the fact that the U.S. space agency denied having analyzed the photo. In turn, the video of an alleged alien found in Russia became one of the most viewed clips on the Internet. And news of the declassified FBI document confirming 3 alien bodies at Roswell in 1947 also made the rounds.

San Juan is no stranger to photos of strange images considered UFOs by their photographers. In less than 4 months in 2001, three readers have approached this newspaper with photos of bizarre objects. This is now the fourth.

According to Martin Pastor, a resident of Rawson, he headed to Calingasta with a group of friends for a car race. In the evening, returning along Route 436, their pickup truck broke down, and they were stranded in the mountains.

“I’m one of the ones who go around camera in hand. I always felt I’d find something like this,” Martin explained, adding: “the moon was rising and began to lose shape. I realized that a luminous project passed in front of it and later disappeared.” The photo shows the moment that the object is over the moon and part of its edges are hidden by the mountains.

The moon returned to normal later on. But around 21:00 hours, his buddy said: “Look, look!” Martin raised his camera again, but this time to photograph a circular object moving across the sky, very near the Earth. But it also vanished.

He was afraid after his experience, aside from being excited. “While we waited for the repair shop crew to pick us up, we boarded the pickup, locked the doors and pointed the camera outward, just in case,” he explained, laughing.


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