"Chasing UFOs" own show criticism by Fox and McGee was written on the Facebook page of New York Times best-selling author Leslie Kean. According to the two men, the 8-episode reality show aired last month was sold to them as a real investigation into UFOs with witnesses and empirical evidence; unfortunately, it turned out to be more "poking around at night" for entertainment. . . .
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See Also:
'Chasing UFOs' Stars Blast Their Own Show
National Geographic Channel's Chasing UFOs: "UFO Proponents and UFO Skeptics All Agree That The Show Is Absurd"
Phoenix Lights Witness Mike Fortson Condemns Nat Geo's Chasing UFOs
Nat Geo’s Chasing UFOs:
Investigation as Farce
[CHASING UFOs]: "It Reminds Us ... of the Desperate and Shabby State of UFO Inquiry in America ..."
CHASING UFOs: ". . . The Most Paranoid and Absurd Pieces of Supposedly Non-Fiction TV That I Have Ever Seen"
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