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Indiana woman reveals family secret: UFO landed with creatures
![]() | By Roger Marsh The Examiner 1-23-13 |
My great aunt was taking food to her father and grandfather working the fields all day as she did every day. She would take a horse and cart out to where they were working, have lunch, and then come back home. On this particular day, she could not find her father or grandfather. She then heard them yelling at her to get inside the woods nearby and hide. She complied and that's where they began telling her that they had been watching some sort of flying machine that didn't make any sort of noise flying around the field. They supposedly watched little people get out of the craft and take pieces of corn and soil, and then they flew away. The uncle and father had been hiding in the woods for some time afraid to leave.
All the people in the video have now passed on, but my grandma who is now in her mid 80s, the daughter in the story or niece, gave me this tape because she was curious if I could find any other reports from that time frame of anybody reporting the same sort of thing. I have the tape of the story, and that's about it. It's just a story, but interesting. . . .
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See Also:
Daughter Recounts Her Father's Death Bed Confession of Seeing Roswell 'Spaceship' and 'Little People'
The Flying Saucers and the Mysterious Little Men
By J.P. Cahn
Flying Saucer: Midget Pilot Reported Landing in Mexico
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