Monday, January 07, 2013

Image of 'Grounded' UFO Caught On Security Cam, Claims Texas Witness | UFO NEWS | PHOTO

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UFO Caught on Security Cam - Cotulla, Tx (Edt 400 px) 1-5-13

By Roger Marsh
The Examiner

     A Texas witness at Cotulla included one frame from an oil company security camera depicting a "disc-like" UFO on or near the ground in a January 5, 2013, report, claiming the image has already made the rounds among employees, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The reporting witness explained the circumstances behind the photograph in the report.

"My father works in an oil company here in Texas, and they had noticed that some people were taking the crude oil in the night," the witness stated. "So they started putting cameras up around the areas. One night one camera caught a UFO."

Readers should be cautious of any photography before MUFON investigates this case. There are a small percentage of reports that are hoaxes; and some photography can further be explained as something man-made or from Mother Nature.

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