Thursday, January 31, 2013

UFOs Spotted in Cape Coral? | UFO NEWS | VIDEO

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UFOs spotted in Cape Coral 1-27-13

By Steve Campion

     CAPE CORAL, FL - The strange and unexplained filled the skies over Cape Coral this weekend. Some viewers wrote in and even shared video of bizzarre lights. They called the sightings UFOs.

Wednesday afternoon, Cape resident Pete Maccio told us about his experience.

"I never saw anything like that before," remarked Maccio.

Maccio, who lives in Cape Coral, said he saw bizzare lights flicker this weekend in the early morning off the South Cape.

"They were small lights that hovered over the water at slow sleep and then they disappeared," said Maccio.

He and others speculate the unidentified flying objects seen high above the yacht club could be alien life forms. . . .

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