
Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Carrboro Resident Spots Fiery UFO | UFO NEWS

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By Marissa Bane

     Derrick Dula was sitting on the porch of his apartment in Carrboro the night of Jan. 26 when he saw something floating in the sky.

A few moments later, he decided that the floating object was, in fact, a UFO.

“At first my family just thought the object was a fireball, but when we stopped and pointed at it, the UFO literally froze in midair,” Dula said.

Dula compared his UFO experience to something out of a “Star Wars” movie.

“The objects formed a triangle, then they all just vanished at the same time.”

Dula said his sister-in-law, wife, kids, and neighbors also witnessed the UFO.

Dula’s wife, Stacy Dula, said the experience lasted for 10 to 15 minutes. . . .

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