Retired CIA director/Defense Secretary Robert Gates declined to directly challenge the Roswell UFO story told last summer by former Agency colleague Chase Brandon.
“I have a lot of respect for Chase,” Gates said during a brief press conference prior to his scheduled talk at a Town Hall Forum in Sarasota today. “I’ve known Chase, as a martial arts instructor for the Agency, or was. So I’m not going to question Chase. I’m just telling you what I said.”
But what Gates said, moments earlier, appeared to be a sharp repudiation of a story that went viral seven months ago during the 65th anniversary of the alleged UFO crash in New Mexico. Because if Brandon is correct, it would mean one the most powerful men in government has been denied access to what would surely qualify as the most profound national security challenge in American history.
In 2012, Brandon — the CIA’s retired Hollywood liaison with 35 years of distinguished service — told Coast-to-Coast AM and The Huffington Post that he’d once discovered, inside the Agency’s Historical Intelligence Collection, a box confirming the 1947 crash and recovery of spacecraft near Roswell, complete with official government documents and photos. “It was not a damn weather balloon — it was what it was billed as when people first reported it,” Brandon insisted. “It was a craft that clearly did not come from this planet, it crashed, and I don’t doubt for a second that the use of the word ‘remains’ and ‘cadavers’ was exactly what people were talking about.”
Brandon said he stumbled across the file accidently, during the mid-1990s, when President Clinton was attempting to locate information on Roswell. The CIA responded with a press release: “Our historians have found nothing in the Agency’s holdings to corroborate Mr. Brandon’s specific claims.” But Brandon has not recanted his remarks.
Backstage at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall on Tuesday morning, Gates said he hadn’t heard about Brandon’s claims. When presented with those verbatim assertions, Gates remained poker-faced. But he didn’t challenge Brandon head-on, either.
“I’ll respond in this way,” he said. “As director of the CIA and Secretary of Defense, I think I have had every security clearance that there is available in the United States government. I first joined the government 46 years ago and I have never seen one shred of evidence or one report of any kind of UFO or remains or cadavers or anything.”
De Void: Is there a way to reconcile that story?
Gates (quickly): “No.”
Chase Brandon did not respond to a query for comment.
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See Also:
Herald Tribune Reporter, Billy Cox Queries CIA On Chase Brandon's Roswell UFO Claims
CIA Veteran Claims Knowledge of Roswell-Alien Cover-up
UFO NEWS | CIA Responds to Ex-Official’s “Roswell Happened” Claim: Not True
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