Sunday, March 17, 2013

"MOVE Over Roswell - Victoria is Being invaded by aliens; Accounts of UFO Sightings are on the Rise . . ."

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Move Over Roswell - Victoria is Being invaded by aliens; Accounts of UFO Sightings are on the Rise 3-17-13

Is it a bird or a plane. No, it's more UFOs heading our way


      . . . increased activity has resulted in more people coming forward to share their stories of alien abduction and encounters.

One Victorian woman, who wished only to be known by her first name Neetu, said she bore the scars of her first encounter with "tall, alien-like beings".

She told the Sunday Herald Sun she was "sucked up by light" on to a spacecraft and underwent a medical procedure where she believes she was tagged.

"I was told to lie on a flat bench. They examined me, then they moved me on to another bench, then with a long needle-like object they inserted something in my shoulder," she said.

"It was painful. I was scared at the time, as I thought it will make a big scar on my shoulder."

She also described the "beautiful, technologically advanced" spaceship and how she met its chief - a "green reptilian" figure that informed her of a mission he wished her to take part in. . . .


1 comment :

  1. I sincerely wish they'd invade everywhere so we could all get this ball rolling toward its end.


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