Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Another UFO Carnival is Born: ‘UFO Crash’ Party in Olde Burien | UFO NEWS

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Another UFO Carnival is Born: ‘UFO Crash’ Party in Olde Burien

By Michael Brunk

On Monday night (April 1), Olde Burien was taken over by a crashed UFO, aliens and assorted Men and Women in Black for the first-ever ‘UFO Crash and Flash Mob’ April Fool’s event.

     At least 300 people packed a closed-off SW 152nd to enjoy live music, various Flash Mob dances, see Ciscoe emerge from a flying saucer, a helicopter hover overhead, spotlights light the sky, costume contest, photo booth and more.

Revelers also commemorated the upcoming production of “The Maury Island Incident,” a short film based on a nearby, historic 1947 UFO sighting, to be shot locally starting in June.

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