Thursday, April 11, 2013

"'Informed Sources' are saying that Greer's Dead E.T. is Actually an Immature Spider Monkey"

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 "'Informed Sources' are saying that Greer's Dead E.T. is Actually an Immature Spider Monkey"

Greer Documentary "Sirius" Promises Free Energy and a Dead Alien

By Robert Sheaffer

     The official World Premiere of the movie Sirius, directed by the Emmy-award winning Amardeep Kaleka and based upon the claims of UFO celebrity Steven Greer, takes place on April 22. Produced by J.D Seraphine and narrated by actor Thomas Jane (HBO series Hung), Sirius "will have its contributor, VIP & celebrity premiere on April 22 in Hollywood, CA. The movie premiere will be followed by a limited theatrical release and concurrent VOD launch via the Yekra video on demand platform on" As for the premiere itself,
When: Monday, April 22nd at 7:30 pm (PST)
Where: Regal Cinemas L.A. LIVE Stadium 14 in the Premiere House Theater
1000 West Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles 90015
Thank you all for your enthusiastic response to the "Sirius" premiere. We have sold out of the main theater, but have another theater in the same complex. You can still be a part of the Red Carpet excitement and the Sirius Premiere. Tickets for theater B now available for only $15.
. . . The movie now promises "the paradigm shifting physical evidence of a medically and scientifically analyzed DNA sequenced humanoid creature of unknown classification found in the Atacama desert, Chile." Remarkable, if true. It will be fascinating to learn how DNA sequences that allegedly evolved on an alien planet compare with our own. 'Informed sources' are saying that Greer's dead E.T. is actually an immature spider monkey. I cannot confirm that, however it sounds a lot more likely than a dead E.T. Recently Greer said that he now has a friendly 'alien familiar' name Bijoux, who has been following him around. I hope that Greer didn't accidentally run over Bijou in his truck? . . .


  1. Although I fall into the camp of needing evidence to support a claim, I have just trawled through Google images of Spider Monkey skeletons and have to say that I have not found any that resemble this one.
    Greer is staking his reputation on this 'find', so he had better have some cast iron evidence that his claim is true. If the movie simply makes perpetual references to 'if' and 'maybe', and does not include verifiable sources, he will lose all credibility and die a poor man.

  2. Mr. Sheaffer for your information, Dr. Greer's movie Sirius in which a deceased little 6 inch being (fully developed) was NO spider monkey!! Its age was determined to be 6 - 8 years old and has no prehensile tail like a monkey nor was it altered in anyway nor was it a human fetus!!
    You need to get your facts straight before blurting out publicly your negative bias. I was at the premiere film event and I know Dr. Greer personally and he is a man of integrity and honesty.
    Contrary to what you think you may have heard before the premiere film event in Los Angeles, the facts prove that the little being is as yet an undefined humanoid creature and besides that which of the three of us (you, me and Dr. Greer) and no doubt most of the people who right into this blog is a doctor of medicine and knows the situation first hand?
    If you can't add a logical argument without resorting to innuendo and provocative language then, you've added nothing of intelligence to the conversation, it would be best to remain silent than to look foolish!


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