Friday, June 14, 2013

Photographic Evidence of a UFO Captured Over Bromley, Claims Local Woman

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UFO Over Bromley, UK 4-27-13

Has anyone seen a UFO flying around Bromley town centre?

By Patrick Grafton-Green

      A BROMLEY woman claims to have photographic evidence of a UFO flying over Bromley town centre.

The woman, who does not want be named, lives in the Palace Estate in Forde Avenue, and says the alien ship flew near her house early one morning.

She told News Shopper: "I woke up to this noise. There was a real noise going on outside. I thought 'what on earth is that?'

"It didn't sound like a plane, it didn't sound like a helicopter.

"I went to my back bathroom window and in the distance I could see a big aircraft with all these lights.

"I couldn't make out the shape of whatever it was but I could see it was quite a large because the lights were so far apart. . . .

1 comment :

  1. This is exactly what my husband and I saw at 11:00 pm 2010or 2011 but before it changed to solid red it had multiple colors going towards the Airport and National guard it turned a solid red and flew slowly and low until it got across then sped to wards the Sequoya NATIONAL Forest.We were in our back yard saw it coming from the North and ran out to the front of our house watched it until it disappeared maybe 15min


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