
Wednesday, August 14, 2013


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Naples Waterdroplet UFO Video - August 2013

By Marc D’Antonio / Cinde Costello
Chief MUFON Photo/Video Analyst
MUFON Photo/Video Analyst


      The incident took place in the early hours of August 7, 2013 at the Venetian Village in Naples Florida. Video of a suspected unknown light or object was captured on a CCTV security camera system with the said camera located within the pool area of the property. MUFON Headquarters was contacted by NBC-2 out of southwest florida for comment on the video evidence. In addition to the video the media outlet NBC-2 also provided digital stills of the video footage. . . .

Video/Image Analysis

The short video and the provided still digital images were examined by Marc D’Antonio and Cinde Costello, MUFON Photo/Video Analysis.

The object in the video looks very much like something that has been observed before by the analysis team. This anomaly appears to be a single water drop on the camera housing in the very near foreground that is being illuminated by the bright light out past the pool. That said, after reviewing this we noticed several things that bring us to the said conclusion. . . .


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