NASA continues to broaden its search for ideas that could help prevent killer asteroids from striking Earth.
Agency officials will attend the World Maker Faire in New York City this weekend (Sept. 21-22), with the goal of convincing the global community of inventors and tinkerers to help discover, track and deflect asteroids that could put Earth in peril.
At Maker Faire, NASA will highlight its "Asteroid Grand Challenge," a call for ideas from the public, industry and academia that the space agency unveiled this past June.
"Unlike traditional NASA missions of exploration and science, this grand challenge is driven by the idea that protecting our planet is an issue bigger than any one program, mission or country," NASA chief technologist Mason Peck said in a statement.
"For the first time, NASA has reached out to industry, academia, stakeholder organizations and private citizens for ideas on how to find, track and deflect asteroids," Peck added. "These partnerships represent a new way of doing business for NASA and a call to action for makers: join us to become a critical part of the future of space exploration." . . .
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See Also:
Newfound Asteroid (2013 NE19) Will Cruise Past Earth Tonight (July 22) | VIDEO
NASA Plans to Put an Astronaut on an Asteroid; Animated Video Shows How | VIDEO
VIDEO | City Block-Size Asteroid Zips by Earth as Scientists Watch
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