LOS ALAMOS, N.M. —A secret tunnel recently revealed underneath Los Alamos has an important national security mission.
Built into the side of the mountain, almost 250 feet deep into the rock, are five vaults of historical significance.
The heavily guarded chamber was the first place the U.S. stored nuclear waste materials during the Cold War.
"It's weapons-grade nuclear material," Los Alamos National Lab buildings historian Ellen McGhee said. "(It's) definitely secure, very safe and very stable down here."
Because the lab didn't want the materials to fall into the wrong hands, the facility was a secret for decades. It's one of those places everyone knew not to ask questions about.
"There were alarms, and there were guards stationed outside," McGhee said . . .
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See Also:
UFO Chased By Jets Over Los Alamos | UFO CHRONICLE- 1952
UFOs Reported Over 'Super Secret Atomic Research Center' at Los Alamos, New Mexico!
Strange 'Blinking Object' Soars Over Los Alamos Atomic Center | UFO CHRONICLE
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