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Retired USAF officer talks about aliens and nukes, the UFO cabal, and his abduction experience
By Sean Casteel and John Weigle
The time Robert Salas spent in the United States Air Force taught him many things about the UFO phenomenon. In a lecture he delivered at the September 14, 2013, meeting of the Close Encounter Research Organization International, held in Thousand Oaks, California, a city just north of Los Angeles, Salas explained just what he has learned in no uncertain terms.
Salas’ lecture was entitled “The Complexity of Human Interactions with the UFO Phenomenon,” and he began by flatly declaring that craft controlled by extraterrestrial intelligences (ETI) are visiting us, are here for specific purposes, have been here for a long period of time, and have had complex interactions with humanity. In spite of the existence of a UFO Cabal that is hiding secrets about what’s happening to our planet and society, we are still in the process of becoming part of the “Cosmic Family.”
As part of his PowerPoint presentation, Salas displayed a slide that read:
•“They (the UFO occupants) can interact/interfere with our most technologically advanced equipment.
• “They have devices/craft that can perform in phenomenal ways that we cannot duplicate with our current state of technology.
• “They are able to communicate and interact with humans in phenomenal ways that we cannot explain.
• “They understand the workings of human physiology and psychology intricately well.
• “They have been able to master ‘highly advanced’ physical concepts.
•“They have messages for us.” . . .
Robert Salas is the author of “Faded Giant,”
Sean Casteel and John Weigle are the co-authors, along with Timothy Beckley, of the book “Disclosure! Breaking Through The Barrier Of Global UFO Secrecy.”
To read more by Sean Casteel, visit his website at
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See Also:
My Evidence: The Account of Minute-Man Missiles Being Disabled, While UFOs Hovered Over The Launch Facilities
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