. . . when “unidentified flying objects” began consuming the public imagination in 1947 and reports of UFOs started pouring in, newspapers put those stories on their front pages. The FBI and mysterious secret agencies (ill-defined and suspiciously ubiquitous) stepped in to investigate, appearing in slick dark suits with stony silence and a menacing panache.
The fever had struck.
Right into the middle of it all came the Maury Island UFO incident. History Link writes:
On or after June 26, 1947, Harold Dahl and Fred Crissman report the explosion on June 21, 1947, of a giant doughnut-shaped “flying saucer” near Maury Island in Puget Sound. They make the report after another sighting makes national news on June 26, 1947. … Dahl reported observing six large “doughnut-shaped” vehicles … One appeared distressed and spewed chunks of debris that rained on Dahl’s boat, killing his dog and injuring his son. After taking shelter on the island, Dahl returned to Tacoma and showed the evidence to his employer, Fred Crissman.That report would gain national attention and the publisher of a science fiction magazine would pay for an investigation. And then a B-25 airplane, supposedly carrying parts of the UFO, crashed on Aug. 1, 1947, en route from Tacoma to San Francisco, killing the two “U.S. Army specialists” on board, according to History Link. . . .
Dahl also said that a mysterious “man dressed in a black suit” had menaced him and fogged his photographs of the incident.
Continue Reading . . .
See Also:
Film on UFO Sighting Unfolds on Maury Island
Burien UFO Crash Event & Flash Mob: Remembering the Maury Island Incident | VIDEO
The Maury Island Incident - Historic Pre-Roswell UFO Event To Be Made Into a Movie | UFO NEWS
Maury Island’s UFO: 60 Years Later, The Mystery Lingers
B-25 Wreckage From Maury Island UFO Incident Rediscovered
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