THE truth is out there according to Gympie resident Wayne Kukopf after catching a glimpse of what he reckons was extraterrestrial activity late on Monday evening.
Mr Kukopf was in the kitchen of his Downsfield property, 20 minutes north-east of Gympie, about 9pm when a brightly coloured object in the night sky caught his attention.
He was on the phone to his partner, Toni, at the time and interrupted the conversation.
"I told Toni I could see something outside in the sky," he said.
A curious Mr Kukopf dropped the phone and went out to his deck, partially closed off for renovations.
The one part of the deck still open faced west towards rolling mountains and, suspended in the air was a mysterious object.
"It was like a circle of red lights with a pale green centre," Mr Kukopf said, sketching an illustration of what he saw.
"I immediately thought it was a UFO.
"It was hanging above the top of the mountain and just stayed there for a while before moving westward towards Woolooga, shrinking the whole time." . . .
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See Also:
UFO NEWS | AUSTRALIA: Photograph Shows Four UFOs Hovering Over Marina, Before They Disappeared, Say Witnesses
Australia’s UFO Files | YOUR NEED TO KNOW | VIDEO
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