LUBBOCK, TX (KCBD) - Over the past year and a half, a UFO has taken Lubbock by storm.
In May 2012, a southeast Lubbock resident captured some flashing lights on video camera. This past weekend, fans at the Jones AT&T stadium wondered what was floating outside the stadium. Today we have the answer.
"It's six electric motors that are all connected together with stabilization electronics running through them. They run off two batteries that are 14.8 volts each - so a little stronger than the battery in your car," said Kris Barton. He is the owner of Swing Wing Productions and the pilot of this mystery object.
"We built it about two years ago and we're constantly modifying it, trying to get it to work the way we want it and constantly making changes for whatever it is we're shooting or taking pictures of."
The multi-rotor, as Kris calls it, allows him to take aerial photos, the reason he was at Jones AT&T stadium on Saturday night.
"Main locations are just right here around Texas. We started in Austin and just moved back to Lubbock. . . .
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See Also:
VIDEO | The Tex Files: Lubbock Lights
UFOs Scare Texas Town; Shots Fired; 'Tinfoil-Like' Material Recovered | UFO CHRONICLE - 1947
UFOs Recorded Over Laredo, Texas | UFO NEWS | VIDEO
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