Wednesday, November 13, 2013

OZ UFO Sightings Continue | VIDEO

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UFO Over Mayfield, New South Wales, Australia 11-11-13


      A HUNTER family captured video footage of what appears to be the same mysterious UFO that was featured in yesterday’s Newcastle Herald.

And a Mayfield reader has submitted a photograph [above] of another strange image captured on Monday night. . . .

. . . That story recounted the experience of the Hardy family of Belmont, who photographed a row of bright lights in the sky on Friday night.

They also told of seeing a bright blue light that moved quickly in several directions and changed colour to red.

Yesterday, the Herald was alerted to a YouTube video that had been posted by another Belmont family and filmed on the night of September 30:

With sound of the family talking as they watch, a blue globe – similar to the object that was described yesterday by Richard Hardy – is seen hanging stationary in the sky before moving north over a lit skyline.

While the object is blue for the length of the 1 minute and 25 seconds of footage, a voice is heard talking about it having turned from red to blue. . . .

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