Monday, November 11, 2013

UFO Fireball Rises From Lake; Divides into 6 Smaller Balls of Light | UFO CHRONICLE - 1860

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Ball of Fire Rises From Lake - Belfast Morning Northern Ireland News 9-28-1860
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By Belfast Morning Northern Ireland News

     On Monday night last, a singular phenomenon was seen by W. Studdert, Esq., and by several servants in his employment, at Carumore. A large ball of fire was seen to rise from "Tom Steel's Lake," which subsequently became divided into six smaller balls of light, and remained divided for more then a half an hour, wafted about the field as if impelled by a whirlwind. Ultimately, the particles of light reunited, and remained in view for more then twenty minutes. . . .

* Special Thanks To Kay Massingill & The Magonia Exchange Project

1 comment :

  1. I saw something similar to this over a river in Alaska back in the early 70's. Started out one light then kept dividing until it reached 5 then went back together one at a time, took about 45 minutes to complete, I was about a 1,000 feet away, with each division it would go down river slowly then come back up and divide again, then repeat the movement. No noise, nothing.


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