Saturday, November 23, 2013

UFOs Captured On Video While Driving ET Highway

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UFOs Captured On Video On ET Highway (1 of 4) 11-12-13

UFOs Captured On Video On ET Highway (2 of 4) 11-12-13

By Adam Stein

     On a recent road trip to the Las Vegas area, my curiosity for unusual roadside attractions led me North on Highway 375. The highway is notorious for reports of strange lights and UFOs due to its close proximity to legendary Area 51. My intentions were merely bragging rights for having driven the famous "ET Highway," as well as souvenirs from the equally famous "Little A'Le'Inn."

Mission accomplished, I doubled back on the desolate (and now dark) road to civilization. Very uneventful drive for the most part, but the video shows things became more interesting as I approached the end of the stretch of road.

First of all...I'm still not convinced in the whole "visitor" thing. So what was this I was viewing? I have spent hours researching the area; maps, videos, images. I am completely baffled! The lights are too perfectly aligned to match any of the terrain in the area. . . .

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