Saturday, January 11, 2014

Amazing UFO Footage Over Wiltshire | VIDEO

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Amazing UFO Footage Over Wiltshire 1998

Editor's Note: One of our Tweeps brought the following video to our attention; you'll note that the craft in question was filmed in Silbury Hill, Wilshire in the UK in 1998. The "Unknown Object" is first shown in real time and then in infrared filming mode. The YouTube account is under Sophia Martin, and the copyright attribution embedded in the film is for Chris Martin (dated 2012).–FW

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Dear Contributor,

Your comments are greatly appreciated, and coveted; however, blatant mis-use of this site's bandwidth will not be tolerated (e.g., SPAM etc).

Additionally, healthy debate is invited; however, ad hominem and or vitriolic attacks will not be published, nor will "anonymous" criticisms. Please keep your arguments "to the issues" and present them with civility and proper decorum. -FW


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