Saint-Adolphe-HOWARD - A family of St. Adolphe d'Howard, in the Laurentians, observed UFOs each night over Montée des Artisans.
"Benoît Meilleur is rather down-to-earth and concerned about his reputation as a businessman. He does not necessarily believe in aliens and does not seek attention.
Three years ago, returning to Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts, just at the edge of Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard, a mile or two from his house, he saw just over the road 329 a huge flying triangular shaped object, flying very slowly, a few hundred feet high.
"At first I thought it was a plane, he said. It was so low and so slow that I could have hit it with a golf ball."
He stopped on the side of the road and even managed to take a picture with my cell phone. He called the Armed Forces who asked him a whole bunch of information, including his cell phone number." They told me they did not detect anything," told Mr. Meilleur. He found out later, as he claims, that the picture taken was blurred, assuming that the Armed Forces had had access to his personal data.
He also contacted NORAD and the Sûreté du Québec, without great results. "They even asked me if I felt good," protested Benoît Meilleur, according to whom the "apparitions" have become more frequent since last summer.
His son Samuel, 18, sees them each evening too. He speaks of a show
Benoît Meilleur has refused that his testimony and that of his son Samuel be published without a credible witness. He therefore requested that a journalist comes see the phenomenon.
L'Information du Nord went on Montée des Artisans on January 8, at the best place to watch the sky, because there is no street light, and it is away from Highway 329 and any distraction. But that night, the sky was completely covered. The next day, around 18h, six quiet aircrafts actually appeared on the horizon, one after another, at an interval of less than a minute. They all came from the west and sped eastward, without any noise. . . .
* Special Thanks To Vincent Boudreau
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