A very Happy New Year to all!
For some reason, in the first few days of this new Year, skeptics on Facebook seem to be gushing all over claims about supposed "earthquake lights," supposedly caused by piezo-electric effects of rocks being squeezed by seismic forces. Such lights, it is said, might explain many reports of UFO sightings.
You wouldn't know it from what skeptics are saying, but there is nothing new in this. Such claims have been circulating for years. In the 1970s, Canadian scientist Michael Persinger received much publicity for
"his 1975 Tectonic Strain Theory (TST) of how geophysical variables may correlate with sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or Marian apparitions. Persinger argued that strain within the Earth's crust near seismic faults produces intense electromagnetic (EM) fields, creating bodies of light that some interpret as glowing UFOs or The Virgin Mary. Alternatively, he argued that the EM fields generate hallucinations in the temporal lobe, based on images from popular culture, of alien craft, beings, communications, or creatures." . . .
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See Also:
'Earthquake Lights' Mistaken for UFOs? Scientists Find Rare Records
'UFO lights' May Help Predict Earthquakes
Mysterious Lights, UFOs, Sonic Booms, F-16s and an Earthquake
UFO Earthquake Connection? Research Group Investigating
UFOs, Ghost Lights, St Elmos Fire . . . What is The Phenomenon Known as 'The Brown Mountain Lights?'
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