Wednesday, January 29, 2014

UFOs: Mysterious Lights Over Naha, Okinawa | VIDEO

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UFOs - Mysterious Lights Over Naha, Okinawa (1 of 2) 1-23-14

By www.okinawatimes

    At around 9 pm on the 23rd, orange lights, about 10 of them had been seen floating around in the Naha sky; multiple reports of sightings were received at this newspaper. Experts said, "That the lights were not considered to astronomical phenomena." According to one witness, most of the lights appeared in the sky near Naha Port in the town of Naha Tondo; they repeatedly move up and down left and right, about 15 minutes later they were all gone.

. . . According to the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, they don’t have any information on the mystery lights. "Self-Defense Forces’ aircraft did not fly at that time"; all training flights took place before 19:20 the same day. (I have some image processing). . . .

1 comment :

  1. Just like most night time video posts these are just "lights in the sky" which could be anything! I mean, come on!!! Give me a break!


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