Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Former CNN Correspondent Miles O'Brien Has Arm Amputated After Accident

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Miles O'Brien

By Elizabeth Landau

      (CNN) -- Miles O'Brien, award-winning science journalist and former CNN correspondent and anchor, revealed in a blog post that his left arm was amputated recently after an accident.

"I wish I had a better story to tell you about why I am typing this with one hand (and some help from Dragon Dictate)," he wrote.

The story is not, he wrote with bittersweet humor, as "entertaining" as an "out-of-control quad copter that turns on its master," or perhaps a shark attack or assassination attempt.

What led to the loss of O'Brien's arm was a case of TV gear.

On February 12, he was stacking cases onto a cart after a reporting trip to Japan and the Philippines, and one of them fell on his left forearm.

"It hurt, but I wasn't all '911' about it. It was painful and swollen but I figured it would be okay without any medical intervention. Maybe a little bit of denial?" O'Brien wrote.

His arm seemed sore and swollen the next day, but didn't appear worse. That night, though, he experienced greater pain and swelling, and the next day asked the hotel where he was to refer him to a doctor. . . .

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