Friday, February 21, 2014

UPDATE: Self-Described Alien Abductee, Stan Romanek Appears in Court on Child Pornography Charges

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UPDATE:  Self-Proclaimed 'Alien Abductee' Appears in Court on Child Pornography Charges

UFO author appears in court on child pornography charges

By Jessica Maher

     A Loveland man who is well-known in the paranormal community for videos and images that he claims depict alien life appeared in 8th Judicial District Court this week on allegations of possession and distribution of child pornography. . . .

. . . The investigation was initiated last year when the Department of Homeland Security identified the IP address belonging to Romanek as a location where images and movies containing child pornography were being publicly shared, according to an arrest affidavit.

The arrest affidavit also alleges that Loveland police detectives received a similar case from the Department of Homeland Security in a 2009 investigation, where a homeland security agent conducted downloads of child pornography files that were later identified as coming from an IP address listing to Romanek.

Computers seized during the April 2013 search of Romanek's home were found to include more than 300 images depicting child pornography, according to the arrest affidavit. . . .

Romanek appeared in 8th Judicial District Court on Tuesday and the public defender was appointed to represent him in the case. He is scheduled for a preliminary hearing at 1:30 p.m. on March 18.

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See Also:

UPDATE: Police Department Press Release On Self-Proclaimed 'Alien Abductee' & Accused Child Porn Distributor, Stan Romanek | VIDEO

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