Self-proclaimed alien abductee Stanley Romanek was arrested in Colorado last week for child pornography possession and distribution. . . .
. . . On her Facebook page, Romanek's wife Lisa stated he cannot access the Internet as a condition of his release, and his Facebook page has since been deleted. Lisa Romanek also said it is her husband's and her belief that their computer has been the focus of "harrassment, break-ins, hacking and remote access" and that "whoever has been accessing our system also left behind traces to verify the Office of Homeland Security tip that the police department received."
Speaking on behalf of her husband, Lisa Romanek further stated, "We will be taking UFOlogy into the courtroom. We know that this has EVERTING [sic]... to do with our being outspoken about the ET/UFO reality!" . . .
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See Also:
Self-Proclaimed 'Alien Abductee,' Stan Romanek Arrested for Child Porn
Man Claims Aliens Send Him Messages
Space Alien Video Lands in Denver: Was it Real or Fake?
Lost in Space
The Stan Romanek Saga
"Jeff Peckman May be Spaced Out, but Alien Expert Stan Romanek is The Real Little Green Man"
Man Claims Aliens Send Him Messages
Stan Romanek:
Point - Counterpoint With James Carrion Vs Rick Nelson
Stan Romanek Threatens Lawsuit
Are You 'Fallowing' Me?
Digging Away
Using Your Own Common Sense in UFO Investigations
Lisa Romanek Offers Up 'Bob Bicksler' with Claimed Sworn Testimony in Heated Debate with MUFON Head, James Carrion
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