If the unidentified aircraft photographed over Amarillo turns out to be a new U.S. spy plane, it wouldn't be the first time.
Aviation Week & Space Technology journalist Bill Sweetman has posted photos taken March 10 by two veteran sky watchers, Steve Douglass and Dean Muskett.
In his blog post of March 28, Sweetman writes that he and two Aviation Week editors agree that the photos depict "something real." In other words, these pictures aren't easily explained away by reports of known military flights or the work of someone who got carried away with Photoshop.
So what can aviation experts say about the object in the photos?
"The photos tell us more about what the mysterious stranger isn't than what it is," Sweetman writes.
The size is hard to determine, Sweetman says, but its relationship to the contrails suggests it's bigger than the Northrup Grumman X-47B, which has a 62-foot wing span, according to Wikipedia. . . .
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