UFO sightings in Canada are sky high, hitting a total only seen once before in the past 25 years.
There were 1,180 UFO sightings reported in 2013, or about three each day, according to the Canadian UFO Survey, an annual survey released Tuesday by Winnipeg-based UFOlogy Research of Manitoba.
It is the second-highest number recorded in Canada in the past 25 years. The peak year was 2012, when almost 2,000 reports were recorded.
The spike in 2012 was likely an anomaly due to many people excited about the so-called “end of the world” in 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar, and reporting many lights and objects as UFOs, suggested UFOlogy Research director Chris Rutkowski.
As for 2013, there are several theories for the surge in reports . . ..
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See Also:
UFO Sightings Soar in Manitoba, Across Canada | VIDEO
UFO NEWS | CANADA | VIDEO: A Pair of UFOs Cruise Over Stouffville, Ontario
Canada's Official UFO Studies-YOUR NEED TO KNOW | VIDEO
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