Aurora, Texas was Roswell before Roswell: a middle-of-nowhere town that suddenly became surrounded by legend when an alleged alien visitor crash-landed from outer space.
On this date in 1897 the alien UFO allegedly smashed into a windmill belonging to Judge J.S. Proctor. It's pilot, who an officer from a local Army outpost described as a "Martian" and "not of this world" died and was buried in the cemetery nearby.
The reported crash was one of several American alien mysteries of the mid-1890s, but the most notable one (if not only) recorded in Texas.
Today, the only reminder of the visit, which occurred on this date in 1897, is a small historical marker near the Aurora Cemetery.
Buried deep in its stories of town founders and war heroes is a single line about the visitor supposedly buried in an unmarked grave there:
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See Also:
Aurora Texas:
Original "UFO Crash Report" April 17, 1897
University of North Texas To Examine Alleged Debris from Aurora UFO Crash of 1897
Fact Or Fiction? Space Alien Buried In Texas Town
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