Kathy Richardson still gets a little excited when talking about the infamous unidentified object landing that’s alleged to have taken place in Socorro 50 years ago today.
Born and raised in Socorro, Richardson married and left town to live Hobbs, N.M., back then. That’s where she first got word of the incident of Socorro police officer Lonnie Zamora spotting a UFO just south of town.
“I was pretty excited,” Richardson said. “My mom and dad came out the next day and saw the burned spots.”
Richardson’s family owns the land where the incident took place. Richardson’s father, Buford, purchased the property a few years after the UFO landing took place, she said.
That well-documented night, Zamora observed a four-legged, egg-shaped craft in a gully south of town on April 24, 1964, according to an article printed in the April 28, 1964, edition of the Chieftain. Zamora stood an estimated 150 yards from the unidentified object and watched it rise straight up in the air and head over Six-Mile Canyon, the article said.
“It’s a classic case,” Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) New Mexico State Director Don Burleson said. “It has drawn quite a bit of attention over the years.” . . . .
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See Also:
Socorro: "Evidence of UFO Landing . . ."
The Socorro Incident:
A Hoax Exposed or
a Case of Jumping The Gun?
Socorro Officer Saw Two Men Step Out of Big UFO
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