MIDWEST CITY, Okla. – After radio stations were flooded with callers talking about UFOs, some are saying an electrical fire may be to blame for the strange sight in the sky.
A viewer sent NewsChannel 4 a clip of what he called an electrical fire at Tinker Air Force Base.
Tinker officials posted the following statement on the base’s Facebook page:
” The power outage that impacted Tinker Air Force Base early Tuesday Morning (sic) continues to affect buildings on base. Due to the latest conditions surrounding the power outages in 3001, 3018, 3113, 3102, 3105, 3117, 3118, 3123 which prevent safe operations from continuing, early dismissal was authorized at noon for these buildings only.” . . .
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See Also:
UFOs & NUKES | Altus Oklahoma: UFO Hovers Over Nuclear Missile Silo for 8 To 10 Minutes
Oklahoma City Man Also Reports Disc
Silver Disc UFO Reported Hovering Over Rural Oklahoma Community | UFO NEWS
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