The British Ministry of Defence is still withholding high-level UFO public policy papers, along with other UFO documentation, despite the public stance that all material has been transferred to the National Archives, according to John F. Burroughs, a retired USAF security officer. Burroughs, 53, was stationed at RAF Bentwaters in the late 1980's and witnessed one of the most significant UFO events in English history.
Speaking to the Sedona MUFON section meeting on Friday May 16, Burroughs surprised the audience when he presented first results of his analysis of a declassified British MOD document, along with the stunning revelation that the MOD——despite the wide-spread perception that they've turned all classified UFO documentation over to the British National Archives——is still maintaining at least six major UFO/UAP Policy Papers, along with other documentation as classified, including a paper on Defence Policy and UFO's. The last is presumably a clear refutation of the MOD stance that UFOs, or at least UFO reports, are 'not of Defence Significance', however since it remains classified, there is no way to know.
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See Also:
UFO Desk: Why MoD Shut Real-Life X-Files
MoD UFO Files Disclosure
MoD Blocks Release of UFO Files
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