Saturday, June 28, 2014

Terry Hansen, Noted Journalist & Author of 'The Missing Times' Has Died

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Terry Hansen

By Frank Warren
The UFO Chronicles

The Missing Times
     It’s with great sadness that we report the passing of Terry Hansen, journalist, researcher and author of one of the most influential books re Ufology, "The Missing Times / News Media Complicity in the UFO Cover-up."

Terry’s wife Jessica conveyed to Robert Hastings, that he died “quietly, in his sleep, Friday late evening or Saturday early morning. He had a massive coronary and the doctor said he felt no pain at all. It was instant.”

She eloquently added:
“He was the most honest person with the greatest sense of integrity I have ever known.

My first impression of Terry was one of nobility of spirit and he never let me down

He had a lot of wonderful adventures the last few years of his life and I am so grateful for that.”

Our condolences to Jessica and the Hansen family, may he rest in peace.


  1. Sorry too hear of Terry Hansen's passing. He will be truly missed.

  2. RIP Terry. You'll be greatly missed. We are all indebted to your research.

  3. I am sure Mr. Hansen died in his devoted wife's arms. Poor MAN...


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