Rare footage of an interview with Budd Hopkins and abductees: Debbie Tomey (AKA Kathie Davis) and Dorothy Wallace (also spelled Wallis). Additionally interviewed is abduction hypnotist Dr. Gotlieb.
Kathy Davis (also spelled Kathy Davis) was a pseudonym for Debbie Tomey in Budd Hopkins book, Intruders. This was done to protect her identity.
In this video, Debbie comes out for the first time using her real name. The interview was filmed approximately 3 years before the movie (Intruders) came out.
The Dini Petty Show was a very popular talk show in Canada in the late '80's and '90's. This ws filmed in Toronto, Ontario Canada and aired Sept. 14, 1989.
* Special Thanks Michelle McKay & The Henry McKay UFO Archives
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See Also:
Lt Colonel Philip J. Corso Describes Alien Bodies; Budd Hopkins Takes Him To Task | VIDEO
Budd Hopkins' Response to the ABC Peter Jennings "Seeing is Believing" TV Program
An Open Letter to Abductees
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