A Missouri couple driving north along Highway A in Long Lane reported moving under a triangle-shaped UFO hovering about 25 feet above the roadway on June 17, 2014, according to testimony in Case 57123 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The husband was driving with the wife in the front passenger seat and their daughter in the back seat when the object was first seen at a distance of about a quarter mile ahead. They quickly began to rule out objects like a tower or a helicopter as the approached it.
“Within a few a seconds we were directly under it in the middle of road,” the wife reported. “We stopped for approximately 10 to 15 seconds – felt like a lot longer. It was about 25 feet above us. I say this because I could see things on the bottom of it and when we drove off it was about 10 to 15 feet above the trees.”
The witness described the object:
“It was triangular, dull gray, with darker long shapes on bottom. Brighter light in middle, two smaller lights on both sides of front point, two small lights on both sides of large light, then three lights across wider backend. The light was not normal. Don’t know how to explain it. Bottom was flat and had some sort of bars or legs that the lights kind of reflected off of.”The husband wanted to get out of the vehicle for a better look, but the wife yelled for him to pull away as she was scared. . . .
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See Also:
Mysterious Triangular-Shaped UFO Photographed Above Mounts Bay (UK)
Huge Flying Triangular Shaped Object Witnessed in Sky Over St. Adolphe d'Howard | UFO NEWS - CANADA
Reports of Triangular Shaped UFOs Pour in From Across The Country | UFO NEWS
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