FROM small fringe groups with wacky religious beliefs to large structured money-making organisations run by self-professed prophets, cults and sects have existed in Australia for several decades.
We take a look at the cults and sects that have popped up across the landscape or branched on to our shores over the decades. . . .
(with chapters in Australia)
(with chapters in Australia)
This cult is led by a French former motoring journalist and test driver named Claude Vorilhon (see above) who, following what he says was an alien encounter in 1973, changed his name to Rael and formed the Raelian movement.
Rael believes he is a prophet from an alien race called the Elohim.
Rael’s UFO-based cult believes extraterrestrial beings will determine the fate of mankind.
It says this on their website: “The Raelian philosophy explains that all forms of life were created by human beings called Elohim coming from another planet who made us in their image.
“The original Bible clearly talks about ‘Elohim’ creating life on earth. This Hebrew word is plural and could be translated as ‘those who came from the sky’. . . .
Continue Reading . . .
See Also:
Meet the Raelians: Inside the World’s Strangest — and Nicest — UFO Sex Clone Religion
Raelian UFO Sect Wants to Rehabilitate the Swastika | UFO NEWS
UFO NEWS | Top Rights Court Upholds Swiss Ban on UFO Group's [Raelians] Posters
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