
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Farmer May Hold UFO Clue To 36-Year Valentich Plane Mystery

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Farmer May Hold UFO Clue To 36-Year Valentich Plane Mystery

By Aaron Langmaid
Herald Sun

INVESTIGATORS have shed new light on one of ­Australia’s greatest aviation mysteries

     Almost 36 years to the month that Victorian pilot Fred Valentich vanished without a trace, an independent researcher says there is evidence suggesting the 20-year-old’s Cessna was spotted in the sky over South Australia — attached to a UFO.

The Victorian UFO ­Action group wants help to identify a farmer near Adelaide who reportedly ­witnessed the 30m craft hovering over his property the morning after Mr Valentich went missing.

It is claimed the Cessna was stuck to the side of the craft, leaking oil. The farmer even scratched the plane’s registration number on to his tractor but never came forward with the information because he was ridiculed by the few friends he told.

The theory has sparked furious debate as the nation’s leading UFO investigators prepare for a national conference in Melbourne next month. . . .

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